McGee in 2015 – Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Boy Meets World star Trina McGee is opening up about her fourth pregnancy at the age of 54.

McGee, who gave birth to her three younger children in her 20s, told Good Morning America she became pregnant again in her 50s naturally.

The actress, who played Angela Moore on the popular ’90s TV sitcom, said she began trying natural remedies such as elixirs one year ago as she and her husband Marcello Thedford started trying to conceive.

The natural remedies Moore tried do not have medical data to support their use. However, it’s still possible, though rare, for some women to become pregnant in their 50s without any help.

McGee, who is due early next year, shared her pregnancy publicly on Instagram, writing in a post Tuesday, “At the tender age of 54 I have found myself pregnant. Please bless us with your prayers for a safe delivery.”

She said she hopes the news of her pregnancy in her 50s gives hope to other women.

“Honestly, I didn’t think it was such a big deal … and suddenly I realized it’s very inspiration for a lot of women who are over 40, who are looking to conceive,” McGee said. “When I was [posting], that’s what I was feeling, like there’s somebody out there that is dealing with this that might need a little help and inspiration.”

Since 2007, the birth rate has risen 19% for women in their early 40s, 11% for women in their late 30s and 2% for women in their early 30s. Birth rates for women in their 20s declined from 2015 to 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At age 54, McGee is almost two decades past the age — 35 — that doctors consider women to be of “advanced maternal age.”

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