Atlantic Records

Jax, the singer-songwriter best known for her viral TikTok videos and her female empowerment song “Victoria’s Secret,” has released her debut album, Dear Joe, which she says documents the crazy fame roller-coaster ride she and her now-husband were a part of over the past few years.

“We went through such a crazy three years, really non-stop, on tour, on the road, experiencing Hollywood and the industry and just all the chaos all at once,” Jax tells ABC Audio. “So I started to really creatively burnt out … my mental health was all over the place. And when we went on our honeymoon in Antarctica, I got a minute to totally decompress and restart.”

When they got back, Jax says she was able to “get it all out,” and wrote the album in just three weeks. In addition to actual songs, the album features short comedic interludes. “A lot of people who know my music now … found me on TikTok … in very short-form style,” she says.

“So I kinda wanted to give that experience back to my fans in the album,” she adds, noting they can listen to “angry or sad ballads” and get “a peek into what I’ve been going through,” but also enjoy “something stupid” that she hopes “makes you laugh in the way that we all kinda started on TikTok together.”

And making fans laugh is also part of the reason why she called the album Dear Joe,. So who’s Joe?

“It’s ‘Joe Mama!'” she says. “That’s it … a stupid dad joke!”

While “Joe” is a metaphor for some actual people, Jax explains, “I wanted to incorporate those little interludes … that are totally goofy …. and I figured, what’s more of a perfect way than to make the title a joke in itself?” 


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